Progress Update 2 : Beats by Beta 2

Hello guys! I know its been a while... But todays the day another Progress Update is sent to you guys!

Lets get started with the bags of beans labeled content!

New Characters

There will still be new characters added! So to begin this section, lets get some returning characters over here!

Returning Characters(from bb+ or bbr)

The Test

works the same way as he did in BB+ boi.


He will be in a random class room, if seen by the player he will drag them to his Classroom. and then will move to a Random Classroom.

Cloudy Copter

He will wander around and blow strange winds blah blah blah.


He will wander around in hallways and if the player just so happens to have faculty tags, he will literally DASH to the player and commit tag theft.

New-New Characters

Battery-Man(placeholder name)

No Mechanics have been planned for him yet.


Again, no mechanics planned for him yet.

The Whistler

Basically a portable principal whistle thingy.

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