This is a Quick One

This is a quick post made to tell you that i've finished planning out core mechanics, i've got all doodled down and ready for reprogramming

This is an example, the new ai system, instead of it all being in one script, its all in multiple, the base ai (which handles wandering and general ai stuff), and the mechanics (which is where the magic happens), so that way i can add everyone in-game, and then to their mechanics later, although some need fine tuning/tweaking in order to get some base groundwork stuff done, its fluent in a lot of fields, and other stuff, the concept kinda explains it well.

the teaser of this post isn't here due to budget cuts, pretend the concept i just shown y'all is the teaser for the log :]

see you in a few days to weeks, since i'll be getting right to work!


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Doodley Foodley, Waltere is Money man

[: Thats awesome my freind ! :]